For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,...The King reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me" Matthew 25:35,40

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Waiting some more!

Well, we are about one week away from our I800 approval...or so I hope! The timeline after that is as follows...of course at any time anything can change...that's just how international adoption goes. Okay, here goes...this is my guesstimate:

I 800 approval- Oct. 4th
NVC Cable--Oct 14th
Article 5--Oct 28th
Travel Approval--Nov 14th

Travel Approval just means China has given us permission to come travel to China and get our daughter. We could travel immediately following our TA or weeks later. Of course we hope to travel asap after TA. But, we will wait and always! :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I800 Sent!

Goodness! We have been BUSY! With packing, moving, unpacking, kids starting school, and adoption paperwork...I think my head is spinning! But, good news is we are finally getting settled. Boys are loving school and our I800 paperwork has been received by the USCIS! So, the countdown begins to TA (travel approval). We still need this approval, which takes a couple weeks and then there are a few mini steps in between, but we are getting much closer to travel. I am hoping by end of November. Well, this is just a short post because I have way too much to get down today...still unpacking and organizing.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


So MUCH to do! There is just so much to get done these days. Trying to prepare to move an hour away is tough. Along with trying to pack while all 3 of the kiddos are home, I am filling out lots of paperwork. Paperwork for school registration for my two oldest sweet peas...both of whom will begin the Monday after we move into our new house. I have adoption paperwork coming out my ears... Our LOA came and as super exciting as that is, I just look at it sit so nicely amongst the other papers I need to file along with it because we can't do anything with it until we are in our new address. At the same time I am filling out our Visa paperwork for our China trip, Sophia's visa paperwork so she can come to the USA, and paperwork for the new house! Along with all of that is turning on and turning off utilities at each respective house and packing up this house the best I can. I have to say, I have been learning a lot about myself during this time. I have found that it is never good to try and pack and expect your 6, 4, and 3 year old to give you peace and quiet during it! HA! Not sure what planet I live on, not sure why I would ever expect that. In the end, mama just loses her temper for no reason, because the kids are just being's just me who is being grouchy. Well, I really need to go and get time here is almost up and I can hear the littles creeping down the stairs...probably wondering if grouchy mama is still around or if the coast is clear!

Here's to a better day!